Land Use

The main objective of the Land Use Plan is to ensure that Esquimalt Nation’s lands are developed in a unified way that ensures the needs of the community are met both today and, in the future, while optimizing the highest and best use for the land. This Plan provides direction for future growth by describing how the remaining land within the Nation could and should be used. It provides the broader framework to guide decision-making on land allocation, management, and protection. Economic development and housing are very important parts of this plan.

The Land Use Plan is guided by the community’s vision for the future and the Sacred Trust. The Plan provides the basis for the development review process and will be used to inform the decisions of Chief and Council to ensure that development occurs through a coordinated process. The Land Use Plan enables the Esquimalt Nation to communicate and apply their desired direction for growth and development, as stewards of the land.

The Plan is organized into the following six (6) sections:

  1. History – this section provides background with respect to Esquimalt Nation’s land.
  2. Community Context – this section provides a review of key community characteristics such as population, growth rates, housing projections, land base, infrastructure servicing, and economic features.
  3. Vision Values and Guidelines – this section sets out the broad direction for what the community is working to achieve, and how decisions will be made along the way.
  4. Zoning Regulations – this section provides the Zoning Regulations for land use planning in the community that apply to all zones.
  5. Land Use Zones – this section provides objectives and regulations for land use planning in the community, setting the context for the development approvals process.
  6. Implementation – this section sets out the steps that are needed to implement the intentions of the land use plan, and future steps that are needed to move the community towards its vision.