Daycare & Recreation
Esquimalt Nation Council and Leadership, in collaboration with Urban Systems and the First Nation Health Authority (FNHA), are working together to complete an application for a new recreation centre.
Detailed Overview
Recreation Center
Esquimalt Nation has been envisioning a recreation centre for the community for many years. In 2013, the Nation developed a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP), which identifies recreation and community space as important priorities for the community. Under the recreation and community spaces objectives, the community identifies securing access to a recreational facility that allows for individual and team recreation. As of 2024, Esquimalt Nation has completed a needs assessment for this center, and is working toward the completion of a feasibilty study to support the Nation's application.
Health Center
Esquimalt Nation has long desired a facility on Reserve to support health and wellness along with programming for its young families and youth. Following extensive consultation and project planning efforts, Esquimalt Nation will be looking to break-ground on a health center in Spring, 2024.
Child Care Center
In 2022, Esquimalt Nation opened a 37-seat, fully licensed childcare center in community, k̓ʷən̓skʷən Child Care. In 2023, the Nation received funding through Aboriginal Headstart on Reserve and the Province of British Columbia that converted the center to a fully licensed center, based on and founded in the headstart model.