Esquimalt Nation - Safety Focused


Esquimalt Nation - Safety Focused

Esquimalt Nation is a community based on mutual respect, kindness, understanding and accountability. We promote and advance holistic health, self-sufficiency and safety of Esquimalt Nation members by offering meaningful programs and services.

Esquimalt Nation does not tolerate:

  • Bullying including workplace bullying

  • Physical violence of any kind

  • Abuse based on gender, culture, sexuality, or profession

  • Indigenous lateral violence 

Detailed Overview

Esquimalt Nation - Safety Focused

Esquimalt Nation is a community based on mutual respect, kindness, understanding and accountability. We promote and advance holistic health, self-sufficiency and safety of Esquimalt Nation members by offering meaningful programs and services.

Esquimalt Nation Does Not Tolerate:

  • Bullying including workplace bullying

  • Physical violence of any kind

  • Abuse based on gender, culture, sexuality, or profession

  • Indigenous lateral violence 

Indigenous Lateral Violence

Indigenous lateral violence is when Indigenous persons develop social skills and work practices which may not create healthy workplaces or communities by causing pain and suffering for their own people. This cycle of abuse lies within factors like colonization, oppression, aggression, intergenerational trauma, racism and discrimination where instead of directing their anger to oppressors, they direct it to each other.

It can be difficult to do anything about how another person is behaving, but there are some things you can do if you’re feeling targeted with inappropriate behaviour. You can report the person to the appropriate manager at your workplace, you can make a note of the instances including dates, times, location and potential witnesses, seek help from __(add in community member or service) and/or speak to an Elder or a trusted advisor or friend.

For More Information on Indigenous Lateral Violence

Watch a video of Rod Jefferies’ workshop on Lateral Violence in the Workplace -

Watch a video about Lateral Violence by BearPaw Legal -

Read an informative article about Aboriginal Lateral Violence by the Native Women’s Association of Canada

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