Utilities & Infrastructure
Inflow and Infiltration Reduction and Pump Station Renewals
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) retained Kerr Wood Leidal (KWL) to complete inflow and infiltration reduction detailed design and sewer lift station preliminary design services. This would assist the Nation in reducing water pollution, minimize operation and maintenance costs, meet current safety codes at the sewer lift station, reduce the likelihood of sewer backups, and reduce CRD sewage charges. Esquimalt Nation's Director of Lands and Infrastructure is overseeing the project activities, which will resume in the fall of 2019.
Project InfoAdmirals Road Upgrade
In late 2017, construction of the Admirals Road upgrade began. This upgrade has resulted in new sidewalks, pedestrian road crossings, improved lane safety, as well as lighting. This enhances Esquimalt Nation's commercial properties by way of offering controlled access to the parcels, as well as safe foot passage.
Project InfoE & N Rail Trail
A new cycling and pedestrian trail has been constructed largely within the E&N rail corridor. This newest addition to the trail system provides an important non-motorized and recreation link between Victoria and the West Shore. Esquimalt Nation worked in partnership with the Township of View Royal, CRD and the Ministry of Transportation. Esquimalt Nation contributed land and access to assist in successful completion of this community project.